PECG | Progressive Education Consulting Group

K-12 Education

Community Engagement

How to integrate your school into the larger community.

Danielson Framework Domain 4
Restorative Justice: A Different Approach to School Discipline, introduces participants to the philosophical foundations of restoration and explored ways the practice can be used in a school setting to build strong, inclusive school communities rooted in mutual respect and positive relationships. During this session, participants will also explore the concept of meaningful accountability – a commitment that all members of the community are to be held accountable for their actions, but in a way that builds understanding and empathy.
PECG professional development sessions foster educators to:
  • Align with the Common Core State Standards and the Danielson Frameworkfor Teachers
  • Infuse culturally responsive pedagogy into the curriculum and work environment; and
  • Maximize student learning in the classroom and beyond.

Culturally Relevant Curricula

Danielson Framework Domain 1 and Domain 3
Research and data show us that culturally relevant curriculum can serve as a tool to help students reach their educational capital and significantly enhance their learning in the classroom. The objective of this professional development is to arm educators with the tools to use cultural competence in the classroom; that is teaching students to relate course content to their world. In this session, educators will learn why culturally relevant curriculum is important, receive examples across disciplines, and learn how to implement culture in their own curriculum.
After this session, administrators, teachers, and staff will leave understanding the importance of culturally relevant pedagogy and have useful tools for the classroom as required in the first and third domains of the Danielson framework.
Restorative Justice

A Different Approach to
School Discipline

Danielson Framework Domain 2

Community Engagement: How to integrate your school into the larger community aids school leaders promote and foster relationships between themselves and key stakeholders (i.e. parents, local not-for-profit and for-profit businesses, and elected officials). The main objective of this two-part professional development session is to develop a comprehensive outreach strategy and clearly articulated action plan designed to educate, and engage parents, community businesses, or elected officials.

This session also enables educators to communicate with various stakeholders including families clearly, frequently, and with cultural sensitivity as required in the fourth domain of the Danielson framework.

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